Chelsea Hedrick » Behavior System

Behavior System

We use ClassDojo only as a means of communication with parents.  It will allow us to instantly post messages, announcements, and share photos.  ClassDojo will not be used as a behavior management system.  


This year we will be using a classroom economy system to encourage important skills, like being a good listener and a hard worker.  Students will have the opportunity to earn money throughout the day as a way of reinforcing positive behavior. Students will also have to “pay a fine” for any negative behaviors (such as not following the rules) that may occur.  During this process, students will be adding, subtracting & exchanging money (all part of our math standards).


You will not receive a daily notification about your child’s behavior.  However, if there is a problem or concern with your child’s behavior, you will receive a phone call, note, or ClassDojo message. 


Students will have a chance to use their money twice a week to shop from the classroom store. Prize box items include classroom passes (stuffed animal, wear a hat, show and tell, go noodle, etc.) and small prizes (pencils, erasers, bracelets, stickers, etc.).