Brandy Michael » Classroom Expectations

Classroom Expectations

BEE Folders

The green BEE Folder is how all information from the school or teacher will be sent home. Please check the folder daily and return any requested information. Notes to the teacher or school should also be sent in the folder and encourage your child to inform their teacher that they have a note from home. Classwork and tests will be sent home regularly in the folder.



It is very important that you sign up for Powerschool Parent Portal (if you have not already done so).  With this, you can check your child’s absences and grades.  All grades will be entered into Powerschool, so this allows you to see how your child is doing at any time.


Class Dojo

         We will be using this as our major form of communication. You will be able to see pictures of your child & special event information. Please check the Dojo class story daily to stay up to date about our class.  You will also be able to message your child’s teachers on Dojo.


Classroom Economy

         Our main behavior system will be using classroom money.  Students will earn money for going above and beyond, helping others and accomplishing daily expectations. In turn, students may be fined for not meeting classroom expectations. Students will be able to spend their money on a variety of prizes and activities!


Classroom Rule

         If what you are doing...INTERFERES with learning, HURTS someone's heart OR PREVENTS you from being your best self, then you shouldn't be doing it.